Saturday, January 5, 2013


Special Guest: Marvin Ropp discussing Bloomin Minerals humate mineral  soil conditioner .

Learn from his expertise on how to  re-mineralize soils to produce more productive produce, with a naturally higher concentration of vital minerals.  Also discover how the addition of the humate minerals directly to animal feed reportedly eliminated infertility in dairy animals, and I would imagine while also increasing the natural mineral content in their dairy products.

Two time Nobel Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling, has reportedly said “You could trace every disease and ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

The USA does not have a Health Care System
It has a Disease Management System,
There is no Profit in Healthy People.

“How To Prevent Mineral Deficiency Diseases In: Plants Animals and You and Your Family.

Listen to a 30 minute call-in from Marvin Ropp.

Learn from his expertise on how to re-mineralize soils to produce more productive produce, with a naturally higher concentration of vital minerals.

 Blooming Minerals, Organic Plant Food

Take a tour now or click Images for more videos on product or the business opportunities you may also contact us for the full image of the 90 Essential Nutrients, free consulting and or information on formulation any of Doctor Wallachs products.


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