Monday, January 7, 2013

Political Process

  •  see note below
  •  6 January A.D. 2013
  • The "political" process worshiped by all those who participated in that process is proved to be a scam, one more time, if we take these (lies, damned lies, and) statistics as true and reliable.

    If the information below is true, then it proves, one more way, how the "political process" has been so totally compromised as to be a sick joke.

    If the following is another bogus email, then just know that those who continue to see value in trying to participate politically in the "Beast" system are beyond the call of doing something about the problem.  What that means is that those who see the concept here as true and reliable, whether supported by these statistics or not, also see that there isn't anyone else in the neighborhood to do what needs to be done to be the light in the hill that can't be hid.

    The problems are commercial; hence, the solutions are commercial, i.e., individual.  It doesn't matter who's in office or what the policies proposed for agreement are where the individual hasn't agreed to be regulated by them.

    Harmon L. Taylor
    Legal Reality
    Dallas, Texas

    -------- Original Message --------

      It is what  it is, now who is it that is behind it all?  Where do we go from here?  Be silent or expose and correct.


                         Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.

    * In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (a mathematical and statistical impossibility).

    * In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (another statistical impossibility).

    * In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

    * In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

    * The National SEAL Museum , a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

    * Palm Beach County , FL had a 141% voter turnout.

    * In Ohio County , Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

    NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

    Imagine that!
    snopes had no comment

    6 January A.D. 2013

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