Sunday, January 6, 2013

More Legal Reality

If we were in church, then the label would be "stewardship."

As we embark upon a new calendar year, we're still facing a "governmental" system that has been designed by men who have been called by God [YAHUAH] to set up a system by which those rebellious to God may be devoured and destroyed.

A great many people who mean well have applied the concepts on which we've all been raised, whether we're 9 or 99.  They have great followings, because there are a lot of people who still accept as true the concepts on which they've been raised.  But, they also continue to feed that "Beast" system. 

We at Legal Reality have no idealized perspective that the reality will reach all those people in time for it to matter.  The reality is that when God remanifests, as YAHUSHUAH, in which form He appeared roughly 2,000 years ago to confirm everything He said about Himself, through His law and His prophets, there'll still be people outside the walls where there'll be crying and gnashing of teeth.

This author gets notes daily from those who still think that there's a "constitution."  This author was right there with them, until The Terre Haute Litigation. [Full Blog - More Legal Reality]

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