Friday, January 4, 2013 - Difference Between Driver and Traveller Member- Difference Between Driver and Traveller
 Posted by c. david imlay
What is the major difference between the terms "Driver" and "Traveller"?
Most people do not have a clue as to the difference.
Do you know the distinct difference?
It is a very clear issue that many people overlook because of conditioning.

What is a Driver?
A Driver is a human being, person, or individual who is PAID specifically to do just that.
AND that is to Drive.
To maintain the vehicle or tool that is used (A car, truck, Semi, etc.) is called a service.
A lot of people think if you are operating a vehicle, that you are driving.
Even in their own personal vehicle or tool that they use, most people think they are driving.

ARE YOU being PAID to drive that personal vehicle or tool that you use?
IN most cases, NO YOU ARE NOT! [Full Blog]

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