Saturday, December 29, 2012

Yes, it seems that way. "What seems to be, is , to those to whom it seems to be"~William Blake....a large majority in Societies have been programmed back to the stone age, by design. We must as a society, and many are now abandoning these systems that have been in place failing us over a century of time. These systems that are in place and failing now must all go and we all need to admit the fact we are as a country failing at truth and justice for All at the very same time.

But where do we start? The best place to start? Our own Self.  We are, as a society, now living in this stone age with a dinosaur media, it is killing generations and generations to come on all levels. Everything is fake. If we keep saying all politicians lie and there is NOTHING I can do. We now see what happens. Only these systems in place will be losers and they own us and they own the media....etc. or youtube Search "George Carlin American Dream" and it may seem he gave up the fight while he was complaining and criticising. Well? Was he he not at least informative? those of you who have made it this far in reading this, you and I are not much different alone, one can make a difference and everyone should try.. I can thank George for at least getting the word out to his fans, friends and family.

WE can do this too by using the Internet, and not letting it use Us....
Understanding the solution is to Deprogram. Our selves too, pulling our own weeds.
Banning our Self from the tyrannical systems and in the middle of all the obstical and the solution is this thing  in place of Independence is a dependent media.
WE can do this by Being the Media...
Going to the roots of our problems, seeing every obstacle as an opportunity,  committing our selves that we will not continue to make the same mistakes, because we finally realize we were not asking right questions that would even be close to enabling us to make sound productive decisions that will end our folly and at the very same time remove the chances of us falling off or any further off fake fiscal cliffs invented by desperado suicide bankers.
 I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.~William Blake
Happy New Year!

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