Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Chicken And The Egg Continued

Continued from previous posts....

It  is possible that you are beginning to be curious about the identity of this elite that I keep talking about.  This information is NOT kept as a secret, of course. There are a few names that I could mention as members of that elite, but those names would be irrelevant for their individual identity is unimportant, but as a part of a body that includes all members. The members of the elite as individuals are ephemeral as all man, but the elite exists for all time. It is known that these are people whose economical status is measured in enormous totals.  They are called oligarchs.  Let alone the possibility that they unite their assets for a common purpose, controlling their own wealth at the expense of any competition which increases their power even more. I am not talking about rich people, not even very rich people. I am talking  about the very top of world economics. They are of such great influence that state economics depend on their word and therefore also   political procedures that  demand electoral interference, which on the surface seem to be innocently democratic, but  are no doubt conducted by them.  They do not dwell in one place, but are scattered all over the globe, and from their dwelling places conduct the world  by their influence in so many areas. This  demands of course also the membership of charismatic and influential figures such as politicians, scientists and spiritual leaders, that obviously serve nothing but the caprices of this elite in their uninhibited desire to rule all there is. Concerning the fact that this elite has information enough to collapse very important institutions, in which their influence on humanity is almost an absolute, and  in order to preserve that influence, those figures are also obliged to obey the elite with agreement, and act according to its instructions. Those instruction arrive after taking decisions, usually in secret meetings that the members of the elite attend once in a while. The contents of those meetings are always kept in secret. Which reminds me of a very important principle:  Good things are done in the day light. Malicious things are done in secret.  Therefore there is a good chance that after such a secret meeting some new world crisis will emerge, a crisis that is of course the scenario of the elite, for the obvious reasons. Not knowing about the existence of this elite and the secret meetings that it keeps, the innocent might think that all crisis emerge randomly.  The odd thing is that this elite is not a new thing, but ever was, with a considerable influence over the whole of  humanity. Of course, as wrong  and inappropriate as it may sound, there is not even one institution that can implement the deeds of this elite, for it is also above every possible enforcing institution.
 "The noble lie will inform them that they are better than those they serve and it is, therefore, their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege, they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it. . ." ( Plato/ The Republic)
One way or another, whether  "white" or "noble", a lie is still a deception done as a statement that has no truth in it, in a deliberate purpose to deceive the hearer. The lie comes instead of the truth that the conceiver is interested in keeping as a secret.
This may sound too paranoid to the uninformed, but look up the origin of the word para-noia, beside-mind or outside, making stuff up that is fake or false. Do you see how ludicrous the statement actually is? In fact even the popular mistaken idea saying one is only paranoid. paranoid is of itself a preservation of  our pseudo-self, because the existence of an elite is not a secret, nor have been its intentions to constitute one world government for the good of humanity and the planet, under what it the UN calls a New World Order/Agenda21.
History teaches that such a new world order, attempted more than once in the past. In all of them there was an attempt to constitute a totalitarian regime that sprawls over as many countries as possible, in which the citizen in enslaved to the government and even finances it with heavy taxes. What is even more engraved in the memory, is the high number of victims that every such attempt had collected.
Some may ask : "How bad can it be?" relating to the phenomena as the thing that humanity needs as a collection of privates who need a directing hand to tell them what is right and what is wrong, what to believe in and what not to believe in, and to set moral behavior codes according to which a human society could exist without anarchy. But if people are those to set all these for us, then what is the Divine Providence's  role in all this? And I sure mean a more divine  than the elite.

Back to our subject, still in the same subject, the question is inevitably asked whether the religious myth could be defined as a noble lie. In order  to answer that question, we will have first to define "religion". We will have to check the sources of religion in the far past, its influences and purposes, and see how it could serve the elite in its will to preserve its social status  its worldwide ruling status .  And if it is indeed a lie,  then instead of which Truth does it come?  what is that Truth that they are keeping from us in secret not interested that we know?
to be continued....

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