Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Chicken And The Egg

This is part 1 in a series for this Blog. The author is Laurie Baron and Rockin Ron. When we found Alex Jones in November of 2007. We started this book as a follow-up to our book, The Teacher we are Publishing now at the last two chapters will be posted Christmas Day 2012.

"The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery. And so dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty.” (Plato/ The Republic)

Religion has really a great impact on us. It is well rooted in almost every section of our lives, and every aspect of our personal identity. Even a person like me, who is positive beyond any doubt that there is something very wrong with the present religious conception, and therefore questions and investigates, even I need encouragement to keep my way of thought and confirmation to keep researching things taught to be the very foundation to my existence. I will confess and say that more than once have I struggled with my doubts, but confirmation did not delay.

Still at the phase of studying the subject, researching and gathering material for this book, I came about a term that I was not familiar with before, but will surely be of major importance and central significance in our discussion.

The term is "Noble Lie". I was surprised to see it is a very ancient term, nevertheless very well known in politics. It was conceived by Plato in his essay The Republic. According to Plato, a noble lie is a myth or a false fact, often but not necessarily of a religious nature, told deliberately by the elite ( a government, religious leadership or any other influential elite), seemingly to maintain the social harmony, actually to maintain the social status of the elite that conceived it.

It is necessary to make the distinction between a "noble lie" and a "white lie" although the so called justification in telling both. Unlike a white lie, usually told for the benefit of the hearer, mostly to protect him from hurting his feeling, a noble lie concerns a much more fundamental existential fact and a much wider concept, of such a nature that can unite a whole society around it, if the society believes it.
Therefore, unlike a white lie, revealing a noble lie may very well destabilize the harmony for with it was conceived, cause a wide public argument and even hostile conflicts as result. When a revealing a white lie concerns the private and may cause an individual undercut at the most.

For example, if your three year old child was one day interested and asked about how children are born, you are probably going to tell him about storks. The reason would be  not to reveal him to information that although his curiosity, he is not yet ready for emotionally. This is a perfect example for a white lie.  And then the child is going to grow a little, the stork story will be insufficient, and if he keeps asking, you will tell him about the birds and the bees. Again, because he is still not ready for a detailed description of the sexual act due to which children come to the world, or alternately, because of the inconvenience that you might feel have to go in such details in front of a child.  It is more than probable that at some phase of his life, this child will know the right answer to his question, but will not be hurt of the lie, but accept it with understanding and even a smile.

Lying to an adopted child about his biological parents is also an example of a white lie, for its source is not in any influential leader institution,  but the choice of the adopting parents. Although revealing such a lie can pretty well cause a significant destabilizing of the child having to do with his personal identity,  the influence is still private to the child and his family.
A noble lie is not of any personal influence, it is of social influence, sometimes even in global standards.  It changes habits and behavioral codes, it makes basic changes in the way of thought, it  has to do with a person's whole set of beliefs ,and even sets new moral codes,  all this in a general comprehensive manner where the individual must adjust himself to the rest.
I remember a scene from the film Close Encounters of The Third Kind, staring Richard Dreyfuss, where the authorities had to evacuate a whole populated area as preparation for the encounter with the aliens  supposed to take place there, which was of course kept as top secret. The authorities published an announcement about a dangerous virus in that area, residents were given protection masks, and a few dead animals were spread around as a proof to the virus theory and as an example to what might happen to whoever refuses to be evacuated. The population was evacuated willingly and with great panic, of course, beside those that insisted to be present  and witness  the encounter, who knew the virus story was a fraud,  but still needed a great deal of courage to remove the masks given to them, because of the great convincing power of the lie, and the constant question of :"what if….?"
As hard as it may be to accept, our lives are pretty well conducted by such noble lies, and our behavioral  and moral codes are well influenced by them. It is obvious , though, that to understand this a person will have to , first know  the term, and then make up his mind about what he is willing to know to be a lie, and what he is willing to accept as truth.

If, for example, we relate to the theory of global warming and the danger in which our world is in result,  as a noble lie, which purpose , as said, is to preserve the social status of the elite who conceived it, it is definitely possible to find characterizing elements in this theory. It is known that industries fell, and others rouse instead, due to this theory. Our behavior codes have changed, starting with the cars that we drive to the deodorant that we use. A new term was added to our moral understandings, having to do with environmental quality.

Heating products at our homes were transformed into "less polluting". A whole industry of "friendly products" was founded, Green they call them, and a whole industry of products that are not as such was diminished.   Let alone the economical and political foreign affairs with oil supplying countries, which probably will not be at use, at least not as it used to be, and as consequence  the exaggerated prices that we have to pay for the energy for our daily use. So the global warming theory has to do with other things, much bigger than environmental  damage, like for example, the new world political  re-balancing of the power of the energy supplying countries, by taking the power  away from them, and passing it to other international bodies, that have no interest in those countries possessing this power. And you thought  that your exhaust was emitting too much smoke, and that your deodorant was polluting the environment.

In order to verify a noble lie, it is of course not enough to publish it, but it has also to be proved. This, of course, has to do with displaying climate natural disasters, like rainless storms, and huge forest fires, of which  every media coverage causes a pinch in the heart for the enormous damage and the horror of the  great number of victims both in soul and property that those disasters collect. And of course there are the intimidating pictures of the cracking glaciers at the poles, which most natural connotation is that if this is indeed the case then it is not long until  big land areas are flooded along with all their  residents.

All this reaches us through the media, the  very well trained reporters, and elected individuals on which we are supposed to put our trust, in interviews and speeches, where they throw the responsibility of the situation of the planet and its future straight at the shoulders of the innocent spectator.  While doing that, they use the well known technique of emotional squeezing, and questions like: what kind of a world are we leaving to our children? What will their life quality be in a world that we so irresponsibly destroyed for them?  And what will we answer when they ask if we ever thought about them. All that strengthened , of course, with noble prices given to them for their efforts on the subject.

To be continued...

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