Monday, December 24, 2012

The Chicken And The Egg Continued

The Chicken And The Egg Continued
Humanity also includes the skeptical ones, whose job is to swim against  the current, and not be swept where the wind takes them. Among those skeptics 1000's  upon 1000's of credible scientists whose word can be taken for what they say, who totally reject the global warming theory. Those skeptics are of course, muted in the dinosuar dependent media to be so kind. The exposure that they get is limited compared to the exposure that of a theory with no foundation whatsoever, so called political figures and pundits that rely on discrediting these real scientists who are not in a box with false misleading talking points armed and dangerous with slanderous arguments as well.

Even this little is mostly not accepted with appreciation by the so called government bodies in place and we swimmers with sharks, all know who "they" are. We are the willing slaves not slaves believing they are free. We are slaves to consciousness only. An open mind such as a scientist is rare and so are the un-creative thoughts we recieve daily which greatly supasses the times you take a breathe

The publishing of these end of the world, disaster type, fake crisis theories enter in the ways of conviction, touch our personality, pulling heart strings, the very sides of  our being that we love to externalize, such as compassion and concern, to protect the next generations who are no other than our own children, and of course the world in which we live.  Anyone who doubts what so nicely swells  those sides of our personality that we so love, it is probably because all of this is of no concern and therefore is not worth our appreciation. "What can I do about it anyway"? while we offer a perfect practical solution,, they cannot hear it. After all they believe they are a perfectly wonderful person.

Compassion and concern are indeed great qualities, but so is common sense in physical reality only in Reality it make perfect sense and even non-sense. Spiritual understanding for instance is total non-sense and foolish

I am not a scientist, but I do like to think of myself as a rational person. My arguments are not scientific, but they are so simple and rational that anyone who was not blinded by the power of the lie could easily see them.

We have to remember to perceive the sizes of those glaciers that they show us cracking under the burden of the so called heat. This is not an ice cube that you take out your freezer. This is a whole continent made of those glaciers. It is known that ice has the quality of preserving its frozenness due to the low temperature of its environment. A heating of a few degrees, as we are told , is not enough for those glaciers to be cracking. Only a radical change in the temperature could cause that, like in season changing, for example, when the temperature in the summer rises significantly.   Then the glaciers could crack partly. But still, this  does not mean that there is any danger of the poles melting, for they will go back to their natural condition as the winter returns.  So it appears that the intimidating pictures have nothing to do with any unnatural phenomena that we, the residents of the world, are accused of, but with what should be happening anyway, which in case it didn’t, then maybe we should be concerned.

The warming  is published to be of a few degrees only, for reasons of convenience, of course. I am not sure there is any warming at all. But even with a few degrees, we need not be concerned. Not because of the danger in the melting of the poles, but because of all  those at the  equator, that in case of a warming enough to melt the poles, should be roasting alive.

A person who  accepts these arguments may not reject the global warming theory totally, but may at least limit the credit given before. Only then one may consider all those sights displayed as proof, in the shape of horrifying disasters with many victims in soul and property, not only personal property but also national treasures , like parks and forests. He may ask about the accuracy of those sights, and may even consider the possibility that they were staged, if only to provide proof horrifying enough for us to fear what they want us to fear, and therefore do what they want us to do. This, of course, leads to the question having to do with all the victims and the price they had to pay, and of course the question about the limits of those conceiving a noble lie, and how far they are willing to go in order to persuade us. 
Indeed worth a thought.

This is only one example  of what a noble lie and what  its influences could be, one of many that could be mentioned, much like the created so-called fiscal cliff we have now fallen off several times with the creators rushing to the unsuspecting individuals emotional rescue. Masquerading the real global economical crisis of suicidal psychopaths in charge of the money systems around the global markets.

Certain diseases emerging all of sudden. We have to consider the difficulty in publishing the exposure, because of the silencing and not giving a sufficient public stage to do that, in compare to the stage given to all those that display arguments in favor of the lie.  The power of the elite that conceives a noble lie and the authorities that it enlists(such as governmental leadership, well known scientists, spiritual leaders, artists and whole range of people whose word in supposed to be taken for whatever they say) its ability to seep to the populations consciousness, and the ways of conviction that it chooses, leave the skeptic in  minority, mostly without the ability to share his views, for the majority doesn’t think like him, and it is most probable that he is going to encounter  a comprehensive disagreement, sometimes even fury and contempt, and always  a  conflict with the major public opinion.

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