Sunday, December 30, 2012

Epigenetics:The Death of the Genetic Disease Theory

Disease is still considered to be Genetic even though Nobel prize nominated Doctor Joel D. Wallach proved it false 40 years ago, now he says his research in the Smithsonian as a National Archive will be duplicated and that it will be unimpeachable...

When he has that proof in hand? Backed by one of the most prestigious labs on the planet? What should we do with the money let alone the lyers now?

Epigenetics:The Death of the Genetic Disease Theory

check this out, how much money is involved thus has been 10 years and Medicare kills 15000 a month....some body better be going to jail.

Protecting Big Pharma’s Bottom Line

2. The Medicare Subscription Bill
On December 8, 2003, President Bush signed into law H.R 1: The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. The program is expected to cost $400 billion subsidy over the 10 years that it exists but over the actuarial life of this program, it is a $7 trillion subsidy–$7 trillion. When the baby boomer generation retires, there is going to be massive influx of seniors into the system. It is estimated that between 2010 and 2030, the number of persons age 65 and older will increase from 39.7 million to 69.1 million, an average of one and a half million more seniors per year for 20 years.[2]

 [Full Article]

December 04, 2012 06:03pm  
Study Questions Whether All Double Mastectomies are Necessary

Study Questions Whether All Double Mastectomies are Necessary

Researchers are re-examining breast cancer treatment protocols after several recent studies have indicated that breast cancer may be overdiagnosed and overtreated in the United States.  One study, released last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, indicated that as many as 1.3 million women in the United States have been misdiagnosed with breast cancer in the last 30 years when their tumors were in fact benign. [full Article]


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health.
Dr. Tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination.  As an internationally known speaker, she is highly sought after for her ability to present scientifically sound information regarding vaccination hazard and warnings that are rarely portrayed by conventional medicine.  Most importantly, she offers hope through her unique treatments offered at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center for those who have been vaccine-injured.
Dr. Tenpenny is also an expert on women’s breast HEALTH and the use of iodine for disease. [More]

False Flag Hack Attacks Being Used to Bring About Control of the Free and Open Internet...

free and open Internet? Please Share...False Flag Hack Attacks Being Used to Bring About Control of the Free and Open Internet...Share please - YouTube

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Selenium – Good From Your Head…Down To Your Toes!

Selenium – Good From Your Head…Down To Your Toes!

According to the American Diabetes Association there are over 25.8 million children and adults in the United States who suffer from Diabetes, a chronic disease whose complications kill over 400,000 people a year. This number is compounded by the staggering 80 million individuals who are pre-diabetic. Overall more than 1 in 4 people are at
[Read More...]

The Chicken And The Egg Continued

Continued from previous posts....

It  is possible that you are beginning to be curious about the identity of this elite that I keep talking about.  This information is NOT kept as a secret, of course. There are a few names that I could mention as members of that elite, but those names would be irrelevant for their individual identity is unimportant, but as a part of a body that includes all members. The members of the elite as individuals are ephemeral as all man, but the elite exists for all time. It is known that these are people whose economical status is measured in enormous totals.  They are called oligarchs.  Let alone the possibility that they unite their assets for a common purpose, controlling their own wealth at the expense of any competition which increases their power even more. I am not talking about rich people, not even very rich people. I am talking  about the very top of world economics. They are of such great influence that state economics depend on their word and therefore also   political procedures that  demand electoral interference, which on the surface seem to be innocently democratic, but  are no doubt conducted by them.  They do not dwell in one place, but are scattered all over the globe, and from their dwelling places conduct the world  by their influence in so many areas. This  demands of course also the membership of charismatic and influential figures such as politicians, scientists and spiritual leaders, that obviously serve nothing but the caprices of this elite in their uninhibited desire to rule all there is. Concerning the fact that this elite has information enough to collapse very important institutions, in which their influence on humanity is almost an absolute, and  in order to preserve that influence, those figures are also obliged to obey the elite with agreement, and act according to its instructions. Those instruction arrive after taking decisions, usually in secret meetings that the members of the elite attend once in a while. The contents of those meetings are always kept in secret. Which reminds me of a very important principle:  Good things are done in the day light. Malicious things are done in secret.  Therefore there is a good chance that after such a secret meeting some new world crisis will emerge, a crisis that is of course the scenario of the elite, for the obvious reasons. Not knowing about the existence of this elite and the secret meetings that it keeps, the innocent might think that all crisis emerge randomly.  The odd thing is that this elite is not a new thing, but ever was, with a considerable influence over the whole of  humanity. Of course, as wrong  and inappropriate as it may sound, there is not even one institution that can implement the deeds of this elite, for it is also above every possible enforcing institution.
 "The noble lie will inform them that they are better than those they serve and it is, therefore, their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege, they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it. . ." ( Plato/ The Republic)
One way or another, whether  "white" or "noble", a lie is still a deception done as a statement that has no truth in it, in a deliberate purpose to deceive the hearer. The lie comes instead of the truth that the conceiver is interested in keeping as a secret.
This may sound too paranoid to the uninformed, but look up the origin of the word para-noia, beside-mind or outside, making stuff up that is fake or false. Do you see how ludicrous the statement actually is? In fact even the popular mistaken idea saying one is only paranoid. paranoid is of itself a preservation of  our pseudo-self, because the existence of an elite is not a secret, nor have been its intentions to constitute one world government for the good of humanity and the planet, under what it the UN calls a New World Order/Agenda21.
History teaches that such a new world order, attempted more than once in the past. In all of them there was an attempt to constitute a totalitarian regime that sprawls over as many countries as possible, in which the citizen in enslaved to the government and even finances it with heavy taxes. What is even more engraved in the memory, is the high number of victims that every such attempt had collected.
Some may ask : "How bad can it be?" relating to the phenomena as the thing that humanity needs as a collection of privates who need a directing hand to tell them what is right and what is wrong, what to believe in and what not to believe in, and to set moral behavior codes according to which a human society could exist without anarchy. But if people are those to set all these for us, then what is the Divine Providence's  role in all this? And I sure mean a more divine  than the elite.

Back to our subject, still in the same subject, the question is inevitably asked whether the religious myth could be defined as a noble lie. In order  to answer that question, we will have first to define "religion". We will have to check the sources of religion in the far past, its influences and purposes, and see how it could serve the elite in its will to preserve its social status  its worldwide ruling status .  And if it is indeed a lie,  then instead of which Truth does it come?  what is that Truth that they are keeping from us in secret not interested that we know?
to be continued....
Yes, it seems that way. "What seems to be, is , to those to whom it seems to be"~William Blake....a large majority in Societies have been programmed back to the stone age, by design. We must as a society, and many are now abandoning these systems that have been in place failing us over a century of time. These systems that are in place and failing now must all go and we all need to admit the fact we are as a country failing at truth and justice for All at the very same time.

But where do we start? The best place to start? Our own Self.  We are, as a society, now living in this stone age with a dinosaur media, it is killing generations and generations to come on all levels. Everything is fake. If we keep saying all politicians lie and there is NOTHING I can do. We now see what happens. Only these systems in place will be losers and they own us and they own the media....etc. or youtube Search "George Carlin American Dream" and it may seem he gave up the fight while he was complaining and criticising. Well? Was he he not at least informative? those of you who have made it this far in reading this, you and I are not much different alone, one can make a difference and everyone should try.. I can thank George for at least getting the word out to his fans, friends and family.

WE can do this too by using the Internet, and not letting it use Us....
Understanding the solution is to Deprogram. Our selves too, pulling our own weeds.
Banning our Self from the tyrannical systems and in the middle of all the obstical and the solution is this thing  in place of Independence is a dependent media.
WE can do this by Being the Media...
Going to the roots of our problems, seeing every obstacle as an opportunity,  committing our selves that we will not continue to make the same mistakes, because we finally realize we were not asking right questions that would even be close to enabling us to make sound productive decisions that will end our folly and at the very same time remove the chances of us falling off or any further off fake fiscal cliffs invented by desperado suicide bankers.
 I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.~William Blake
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Republicans Join Democrats to Destroy Second Amendment

Kurt Nimmo
December 26, 2012

In addition to surrendering to the Democrat instinct to tax Americans into oblivion, Republicans in Congress are prepared to go along with knee-jerk legislation rolling back the Second Amendment in the coming year.

“Put guns on the table. Also, put video games on the table. Put mental health on the table,” Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia said last week as the Republican leadership signaled it is ready to chip away at the right to own firearms.
Kingston said Republicans are likely to move on more anti-gun legislation after a “grief stage” in response to the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
“In the coming days and weeks, we will engage in a meaningful conversation and thoughtful debate about how to change laws and culture that allow violence to grow,” said formerly pro-Second Amendment Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. “And every idea should be on the table as we discuss how best to do just that.”
Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Chuck Grassley of Iowa are ready to trade off the Second Amendment in order to make a political deal with Democrats. “You’ve got to take all these things into consideration,” Grassley said.
Grassley also believes the federal government should legislate on societal issues. He said Congress needs to discuss a culture that “tends to be less civil now than it has been for a long period of time.”
Arguing that Republicans must abandon libertarian principles in order “to remain relevant in a country whose views are changing,” the Associated Press cites a Washington Post/ABC News poll published last week in the wake of the Connecticut shooting that shows 54 percent of Americans surveyed want restrictions placed on the Second Amendment.

 For statist Republicans, relevance is all the....Read Full Story

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Chicken And The Egg Continued

The Chicken And The Egg Continued
Humanity also includes the skeptical ones, whose job is to swim against  the current, and not be swept where the wind takes them. Among those skeptics 1000's  upon 1000's of credible scientists whose word can be taken for what they say, who totally reject the global warming theory. Those skeptics are of course, muted in the dinosuar dependent media to be so kind. The exposure that they get is limited compared to the exposure that of a theory with no foundation whatsoever, so called political figures and pundits that rely on discrediting these real scientists who are not in a box with false misleading talking points armed and dangerous with slanderous arguments as well.

Even this little is mostly not accepted with appreciation by the so called government bodies in place and we swimmers with sharks, all know who "they" are. We are the willing slaves not slaves believing they are free. We are slaves to consciousness only. An open mind such as a scientist is rare and so are the un-creative thoughts we recieve daily which greatly supasses the times you take a breathe

The publishing of these end of the world, disaster type, fake crisis theories enter in the ways of conviction, touch our personality, pulling heart strings, the very sides of  our being that we love to externalize, such as compassion and concern, to protect the next generations who are no other than our own children, and of course the world in which we live.  Anyone who doubts what so nicely swells  those sides of our personality that we so love, it is probably because all of this is of no concern and therefore is not worth our appreciation. "What can I do about it anyway"? while we offer a perfect practical solution,, they cannot hear it. After all they believe they are a perfectly wonderful person.

Compassion and concern are indeed great qualities, but so is common sense in physical reality only in Reality it make perfect sense and even non-sense. Spiritual understanding for instance is total non-sense and foolish

I am not a scientist, but I do like to think of myself as a rational person. My arguments are not scientific, but they are so simple and rational that anyone who was not blinded by the power of the lie could easily see them.

We have to remember to perceive the sizes of those glaciers that they show us cracking under the burden of the so called heat. This is not an ice cube that you take out your freezer. This is a whole continent made of those glaciers. It is known that ice has the quality of preserving its frozenness due to the low temperature of its environment. A heating of a few degrees, as we are told , is not enough for those glaciers to be cracking. Only a radical change in the temperature could cause that, like in season changing, for example, when the temperature in the summer rises significantly.   Then the glaciers could crack partly. But still, this  does not mean that there is any danger of the poles melting, for they will go back to their natural condition as the winter returns.  So it appears that the intimidating pictures have nothing to do with any unnatural phenomena that we, the residents of the world, are accused of, but with what should be happening anyway, which in case it didn’t, then maybe we should be concerned.

The warming  is published to be of a few degrees only, for reasons of convenience, of course. I am not sure there is any warming at all. But even with a few degrees, we need not be concerned. Not because of the danger in the melting of the poles, but because of all  those at the  equator, that in case of a warming enough to melt the poles, should be roasting alive.

A person who  accepts these arguments may not reject the global warming theory totally, but may at least limit the credit given before. Only then one may consider all those sights displayed as proof, in the shape of horrifying disasters with many victims in soul and property, not only personal property but also national treasures , like parks and forests. He may ask about the accuracy of those sights, and may even consider the possibility that they were staged, if only to provide proof horrifying enough for us to fear what they want us to fear, and therefore do what they want us to do. This, of course, leads to the question having to do with all the victims and the price they had to pay, and of course the question about the limits of those conceiving a noble lie, and how far they are willing to go in order to persuade us. 
Indeed worth a thought.

This is only one example  of what a noble lie and what  its influences could be, one of many that could be mentioned, much like the created so-called fiscal cliff we have now fallen off several times with the creators rushing to the unsuspecting individuals emotional rescue. Masquerading the real global economical crisis of suicidal psychopaths in charge of the money systems around the global markets.

Certain diseases emerging all of sudden. We have to consider the difficulty in publishing the exposure, because of the silencing and not giving a sufficient public stage to do that, in compare to the stage given to all those that display arguments in favor of the lie.  The power of the elite that conceives a noble lie and the authorities that it enlists(such as governmental leadership, well known scientists, spiritual leaders, artists and whole range of people whose word in supposed to be taken for whatever they say) its ability to seep to the populations consciousness, and the ways of conviction that it chooses, leave the skeptic in  minority, mostly without the ability to share his views, for the majority doesn’t think like him, and it is most probable that he is going to encounter  a comprehensive disagreement, sometimes even fury and contempt, and always  a  conflict with the major public opinion.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Full Article and my commentary

On the otherwise rather repugnant Disney Channel, there's a very clever cartoon series called Phineas and Ferb, probably the most creative and original animated TV show since Rocky and Bullwinkle.  It involves a mad scientist, Heinz Doofenshmirtz, who builds fiendishly malevolent machines, but always equips them with self-destruct buttons, which all too often spoil his evil plans.  This gets me to thinking, in my non-linear way, about Western Civilization.  Does it, too, come with a self-destruct button attached?  Christianity and Western Civilization are practically coterminous, so what you say about one tends to apply to the other.  At base, Christianity is universalist.  It considers itself to apply to all of mankind, like Islam and Buddhism — it explicitly doesn't restrict itself to one nation or race.  That is, anybody can join, and its rules of morality apply to all people and between all people, not just Christians.  Other religions are definitely not universalist.  Shinto is for Japan and Japan alone.  Judaism is for the Jewish people, and is essentially hereditary.  You have to be born into Hinduism.  (Before you e-mail me, yes, I know that there are counterexamples to all of these assertions.  People have converted to those last three, and there are sects of Christianity — I think it's the case with Amishism — that are effectively not universalist. But the generalization is valid.)

The True Source of Random and Mass Shootings and Violence

Me on with MZ, Doc Wallach and Ben 1:46:30 via @youtube
The Saturday Special with Michael Zwerling- December 22nd 2012- The True Source of Random and Mass Shootings and Violence

Prescription drugs sometimes do more harm than good. Can they be to blame for pushing us over the edge? Take a look at the video that inspired this show....

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Chicken And The Egg

This is part 1 in a series for this Blog. The author is Laurie Baron and Rockin Ron. When we found Alex Jones in November of 2007. We started this book as a follow-up to our book, The Teacher we are Publishing now at the last two chapters will be posted Christmas Day 2012.

"The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery. And so dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty.” (Plato/ The Republic)

Religion has really a great impact on us. It is well rooted in almost every section of our lives, and every aspect of our personal identity. Even a person like me, who is positive beyond any doubt that there is something very wrong with the present religious conception, and therefore questions and investigates, even I need encouragement to keep my way of thought and confirmation to keep researching things taught to be the very foundation to my existence. I will confess and say that more than once have I struggled with my doubts, but confirmation did not delay.

Still at the phase of studying the subject, researching and gathering material for this book, I came about a term that I was not familiar with before, but will surely be of major importance and central significance in our discussion.

The term is "Noble Lie". I was surprised to see it is a very ancient term, nevertheless very well known in politics. It was conceived by Plato in his essay The Republic. According to Plato, a noble lie is a myth or a false fact, often but not necessarily of a religious nature, told deliberately by the elite ( a government, religious leadership or any other influential elite), seemingly to maintain the social harmony, actually to maintain the social status of the elite that conceived it.

It is necessary to make the distinction between a "noble lie" and a "white lie" although the so called justification in telling both. Unlike a white lie, usually told for the benefit of the hearer, mostly to protect him from hurting his feeling, a noble lie concerns a much more fundamental existential fact and a much wider concept, of such a nature that can unite a whole society around it, if the society believes it.
Therefore, unlike a white lie, revealing a noble lie may very well destabilize the harmony for with it was conceived, cause a wide public argument and even hostile conflicts as result. When a revealing a white lie concerns the private and may cause an individual undercut at the most.

For example, if your three year old child was one day interested and asked about how children are born, you are probably going to tell him about storks. The reason would be  not to reveal him to information that although his curiosity, he is not yet ready for emotionally. This is a perfect example for a white lie.  And then the child is going to grow a little, the stork story will be insufficient, and if he keeps asking, you will tell him about the birds and the bees. Again, because he is still not ready for a detailed description of the sexual act due to which children come to the world, or alternately, because of the inconvenience that you might feel have to go in such details in front of a child.  It is more than probable that at some phase of his life, this child will know the right answer to his question, but will not be hurt of the lie, but accept it with understanding and even a smile.

Lying to an adopted child about his biological parents is also an example of a white lie, for its source is not in any influential leader institution,  but the choice of the adopting parents. Although revealing such a lie can pretty well cause a significant destabilizing of the child having to do with his personal identity,  the influence is still private to the child and his family.
A noble lie is not of any personal influence, it is of social influence, sometimes even in global standards.  It changes habits and behavioral codes, it makes basic changes in the way of thought, it  has to do with a person's whole set of beliefs ,and even sets new moral codes,  all this in a general comprehensive manner where the individual must adjust himself to the rest.
I remember a scene from the film Close Encounters of The Third Kind, staring Richard Dreyfuss, where the authorities had to evacuate a whole populated area as preparation for the encounter with the aliens  supposed to take place there, which was of course kept as top secret. The authorities published an announcement about a dangerous virus in that area, residents were given protection masks, and a few dead animals were spread around as a proof to the virus theory and as an example to what might happen to whoever refuses to be evacuated. The population was evacuated willingly and with great panic, of course, beside those that insisted to be present  and witness  the encounter, who knew the virus story was a fraud,  but still needed a great deal of courage to remove the masks given to them, because of the great convincing power of the lie, and the constant question of :"what if….?"
As hard as it may be to accept, our lives are pretty well conducted by such noble lies, and our behavioral  and moral codes are well influenced by them. It is obvious , though, that to understand this a person will have to , first know  the term, and then make up his mind about what he is willing to know to be a lie, and what he is willing to accept as truth.

If, for example, we relate to the theory of global warming and the danger in which our world is in result,  as a noble lie, which purpose , as said, is to preserve the social status of the elite who conceived it, it is definitely possible to find characterizing elements in this theory. It is known that industries fell, and others rouse instead, due to this theory. Our behavior codes have changed, starting with the cars that we drive to the deodorant that we use. A new term was added to our moral understandings, having to do with environmental quality.

Heating products at our homes were transformed into "less polluting". A whole industry of "friendly products" was founded, Green they call them, and a whole industry of products that are not as such was diminished.   Let alone the economical and political foreign affairs with oil supplying countries, which probably will not be at use, at least not as it used to be, and as consequence  the exaggerated prices that we have to pay for the energy for our daily use. So the global warming theory has to do with other things, much bigger than environmental  damage, like for example, the new world political  re-balancing of the power of the energy supplying countries, by taking the power  away from them, and passing it to other international bodies, that have no interest in those countries possessing this power. And you thought  that your exhaust was emitting too much smoke, and that your deodorant was polluting the environment.

In order to verify a noble lie, it is of course not enough to publish it, but it has also to be proved. This, of course, has to do with displaying climate natural disasters, like rainless storms, and huge forest fires, of which  every media coverage causes a pinch in the heart for the enormous damage and the horror of the  great number of victims both in soul and property that those disasters collect. And of course there are the intimidating pictures of the cracking glaciers at the poles, which most natural connotation is that if this is indeed the case then it is not long until  big land areas are flooded along with all their  residents.

All this reaches us through the media, the  very well trained reporters, and elected individuals on which we are supposed to put our trust, in interviews and speeches, where they throw the responsibility of the situation of the planet and its future straight at the shoulders of the innocent spectator.  While doing that, they use the well known technique of emotional squeezing, and questions like: what kind of a world are we leaving to our children? What will their life quality be in a world that we so irresponsibly destroyed for them?  And what will we answer when they ask if we ever thought about them. All that strengthened , of course, with noble prices given to them for their efforts on the subject.

To be continued...