Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life Expectancy Being Cut Short

  It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American people are deficient in minerals


"If we are not 'absorbing' all 90 essential Nutrients we are wasting our money supplementing and anyone else we have on a supplement program. A recommendation by anyone, no matter, even if it's advice from someone that has more degrees than a thermometer, We all need 90 For Life, "The body needs 90 essential nutrients daily. when we get them good things happen, when we don't get them bad things happen. Doctor Wallach has put them all in one place so we never have to guess or hope we are getting them. Fractional nutrition is just as bad as none.

For Optimal Health We Need
60 Minerals
16 Vitamins
12 Amino Acids
3 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & 6 are essential)

Lack of these essential nutrients weakens the body's
ability to rebuild itself and increases the potential for
900 Nutritional Deficiency Diseases.

Improper Formulation or Missing Nutrients:
Is called Fractionated Nutrition, which can stall
or stop the cell's Biochemical Cascade Reaction
* May cause false deficiencies of other nutrients".

Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Healthy Start Pack and Pollen Burst. These Supplements are a  great way to get the Essentials Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and other Beneficial Nutrients ABSORBING in you!.
Save people Money,
Get them Healthy
And Create Wealth
All at the very same time with Youngevity!

For more information on Youngevity® and how it can help you, please visit:
Team Rockin Ron
Phone (417) 689-3139


When you are taking a vitamin-mineral tablet, you are taking what is called "METALLIC MINERALS" You only absorb 8-12% of these metallic minerals, the rest passes through you. If you talk to Urologists, who x-rays patients, they will tell you what they sometimes see lined up in the small intestines: WHOLE VITAMIN & MINERAL TABLETS, like little boxcars, taking a long ride through the intestines. Before you can use even the normal 8-12% of a metallic mineral, the WHOLE mineral must be broken down by your body. That's asking a lot of a body unless it's already in top shape. The health food industry had a problem in the late 70's, they developed "chelated" minerals: wrapping amino acids or protein around the minerals helps the body metabolize them. This results in slightly over 50% absorption at best. Keep in mind....metallic minerals (also known as elemental minerals or salts) come from oyster shell, calcium carbonate, limestone, clay, sea salts. Supposedly, too much of some of these elements can have toxic effects on your body. Human beings are not able to efficiently absorb them or to use them. Certain animals are, but we are not. Nevertheless, that's where the minerals in most mineral tablets come from. 

Children's Life Expectancy Being Cut Short by Obesity
Mar 17, 2005 ...The report, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, says the prevalence and severity of obesity is so great, especially in children, that the associated diseases and complications - Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer - are likely to strike people at younger and younger ages.
"Obesity is such that this generation of children could be the first basically in the history of the United States to live less healthful and shorter lives than their parents," said Dr. David S. Ludwig, director of the obesity program at Children's Hospital Boston, and one of the authors of the report.
"We're in the quiet before the storm," Dr. Ludwig said. "It's like what happens if suddenly a massive number of young children started chain smoking. At first you wouldn't see much public health impact." He added, "But years later it would translate into emphysema, heart disease and cancer."

The report says the average life expectancy of today's adults, roughly 77 years, is at least four to nine months shorter than it would be if there were no obesity. That means that obesity is already shortening average life spans by a greater rate than accidents, homicides and suicides combined, the authors say.
And they say that because of obesity, the children of today could wind up living two to five years less than they otherwise would, a negative effect on life span that could be greater than that caused by cancer or coronary heart disease. -

'Children will die before their parents'

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bastille of medical science

Why Doctor Wallach set up Youngevity as a networked help you...
 Business Presentation Video
We Need Your Help 

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”

Benjamin Rush
Read more quotes from Benjamin Rush

Monday, January 28, 2013

Essential Nutrients Every Body Needs

"Give your body all the raw materials it requires to maintain and heal itself"

- Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND
Famous Author of "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie"
The Title "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" was created by Dr. Joel Wallach after years of research on the subject of health and longevity. Dr. Wallach discovered that the life span of the average doctor in America is several years shorter than that of the average couch potato. Dr. Wallach began collecting obituaries of doctors only to find that many were dying of simple nutritional deficiencies. If doctors really knew the truth about health and longevity they should be living longer than anyone else, not dying sooner. This premature death pattern proves that doctors are missing some key elements when it comes to understanding what it takes to live a longer healthier life, hence was born the title... "Dead Doctors Don't Lie".

Peer reviewed and FDA authorized.
Originally founded in 1997 by Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Ma Lan, Youngevity is the only network marketing company to have an authorized FDA Health Claim. Dr. Wallach's research has resulted in the publication of more than 70 peer reviewed and referenced nutrition and pharmaceutical journal articles.

Chronological Age vs. Biological Age
The body doesn’t know its chronological age; it only acts its biological age. It will perform miracles by the minute when ediļ¬ed with the proper nutrition.

Your Biological Age is the age that most normal people would be when they have a body and mind similar to how you feel by your health and well-being.
Chronological Age is just measured by time that has passed since birth.
So, how old do you want to be?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Separates Doctor Wallach From the Pack?

What Separates Doctor Wallach From the Pack?

Doctor Wallach /Rockin Ron

The Superstar In Wholistic Medical Nutrition Therapeutics:

Youngevity® Clinical Research Study Highlights:
Dietary supplement safety is the most highly regarded aspect of any of the Youngevity® various products and has become synonymous with the Youngevity® name and brand. Although Youngevity® only uses nutrients that are absolutely needed by the body and in forms that are highly bioavailable, Youngevity® felt it was important to show empirically the range and degree of safety through looking at (3) factors – Genotoxicity, Anti-Genotoxicity, and Anti-Mutagenicity. The results of the experiments showed that Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® at various concentrations did not show any genotoxicity.
    When Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® were administered to healthy human cell lines; they did not induce or create any inflammatory response in levels above and below the recommended dosage. Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® showed inflammation protective properties and heightened the body’s protective responses to possible inflammation.
    When Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® were administered to healthy human colon cells; there was no significant death of healthy human cells compared to cancerous colon cells. Ultimate Classic® killed 95% of cancerous colon cells, 65% of cancerous liver cells, 65% of cancerous stomach cells, and 30% of cancerous breast cells. Beyond Tangy Tangerine® killed 60% of cancerous colon cells, 65% of cancerous liver and stomach cells, and 30% of cancerous breast cells.
    Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® both exhibited efficient inhibition on proliferation of cancerous cells at the recommended dosage levels. Both products showed there was inhibition of the growth of more cancerous cells, preventing further malignant multiplication and growth of unhealthy cells.

The Clemson University studies have provided Youngevity® greater confidence in their products, scientist, formulators, and manufacturing processes and helped to understand some of the pathways the Youngevity® products may be working through in order to provide these benefits.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Superstar In Wholistic Medical Nutrition Therapeutics

1:00 - 2:22 Superstar in WHolistic Medicine Doctor Joel D Wallach, What Separates Doctor Wallach From the Pack? Monologue Dr. Glidden starts the show outlining some of Dr. Wallach's background and what led him to be a superstar in holistic medicine. Citing examples of the successes that he has seen in his own practice using the protocals he has learned from Dr. Wallach ( 3:00 ) Doctor Wallach's Therapeutics are grounded on Research & Boots on the ground clinical work and nominated for the Nobel Prize. while others are based on theoretical speculations.

Dr. Glidden is on the forefront of the movement to make health care in the United States “results-driven,” where treatments are chosen for their effectiveness instead of their profitability. Already he has successfully worked with 3 state governments to get approval and licensing of Naturopathic Doctors as primary care physicians. With 60 to 100 speaking engagements per year, Dr. Glidden is one of the most widely lecturing naturopathic doctors in the United States.

The Youngevity Scientific Advisory Board comprises some of the most respected names in the fields of medicine, research, and nutrition. Working together with our Founder, Dr. Joel Wallach, DVM, ND, the Scientific Advisory Board's collective guidance is practical, insightful, and often based on individual member's own pioneering research.

Dr Joel D. Wallachs' research is published in the book, "Diseases of Exotic AnimaIs" is in the Smithsonian as a National Treasure.

His research helped eliminate over 900 diseases in animals.

Dr. Wallachs' research is now Duplicated by Clemson University.
Studies Evaluated Potential Effects of Youngevity Products on Human Biomarkers with glowing results: Youngevity® Essential Life Sciences signed an agreement to initiate a series of clinical research studies at Clemson University's Institute of Nutraceutical Research. Formally titled "Research Studies on Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Efficacy and Safety of Youngevity Nutraceutical Products," the research was overseen by Professor Chittaranjan Kole, Director of Research at the Institute, who is a specialist in plant genomics, phytomedicine and nutriomics.

"If we are not 'absorbing' all 90 essential Nutrients we are wasting our money supplementing and anyone else we have on a supplement program. A recommendation by anyone, no matter, even if it's advice from someone that has more degrees than a thermometer, We all need 90 For Life, "The body needs 90 essential nutrients daily. when we get them good things happen, when we don't get them bad things happen. Doctor Wallach has put them all in one place so we never have to guess or hope we are getting them. Fractional nutrition is just as bad as none.

For Optimal Health We Need
60 Minerals
16 Vitamins
12 Amino Acids
3 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & 6 are essential)

Lack of these essential nutrients weakens the body's
ability to rebuild itself and increases the potential for
900 Nutritional Deficiency Diseases.

Improper Formulation or Missing Nutrients:
Is called Fractionated Nutrition, which can stall
or stop the cell's Biochemical Cascade Reaction
* May cause false deficiencies of other nutrients".

Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Healthy Start Pack and Pollen Burst. These Supplements are a  great way to get the Essentials Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and other Beneficial Nutrients ABSORBING in you!.
Save people Money,
Get them Healthy
And Create Wealth
All at the very same time with Youngevity!

For more information on Youngevity® and how it can help you, please visit:
Team Rockin Ron
Phone (417) 689-3139


Video credit: Radiant Life Teachers

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"I am the light of the world"

"Happiness is in action, and every power is intended for action; human happiness, therefore, can only be complete as all the powers have their full and legitimate play."

~David Thomas (1776-1859)

 "Life was not given for indolent contemplation and study of self, nor for brooding over emotions of piety: actions and actions only determine the worth" ~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

"The divine insanity of noble minds, that never falters nor abates, but labors, endures, and waits, till all that it foresees it finds, or what it cannot find, creates."~Longfellow

 "Awake thou that sleepest, and rise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee Light." Ephesians 5:14

Friday, January 11, 2013

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Junk Food for Your Brain

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Junk Food for Your Brain

Our nation’s obsession with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has caued epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and countless other diseases. So if HFCS is bad for your body, one can only imagine what it does to your brain.

Well, we no longer have to wonder. A study conducted at UCLA (Agrawal, et al.) and published in the Journal of Physiology suggests that a high HFCS diet can actually make you dumber. As it turns out, sugar block the ability of the hormone insulin to regulate how cells use and story sugar for the energy required for processing thoughts and emotions. The scientists studied two groups of rats that consumed a fructose solution as drinking water for six weeks. The second group also received omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA is the primary essentialfatty acid in the human brain. It is crucial for synaptic function and affects numerous functions including learning and memory.
 The rats were fed a standard diet and trained on a maze twice daily for five days before starting the experimental diet. The researchers tested how well the rats were able to navigate the maze, which contained numerous holes but only one exit. Placed within the maze were visual landmarks to help the rats learn and remember the way.
 Six weeks later, the researchers tested the rats’ ability to recall the route and escape the maze.
The results were surprising:
  • The group that received DHA omega-3s navigated the maze much faster than the group that did not receive omega 3s.
  • The DHA-deprived rats were slower and their brains showed a decline in synaptic activity. These animals also developed signs of resistance to insulin, in addition to be a primary regulator of blood sugar, also plays a key role in memory and learning.

 So what does that tell you? Be good to your body and lay off the high fructose corn syrup. And don’t forget to take your essential fatty acids!
The Wallach Files